6.If you are unable to commit to your placement in the Event, you may choose to attend a different event date. Your payments will be reassigned to the alternate event date, subject to the following criteria:
a) You will still need to make all required payments for that event as per your original agreement, and you must attend the event within 12 calendar months of the original event date.
b) If you do not attend the event within 12 calendar months of your final payment, you will forfeit any payments made. QC Seminars reserves the right to charge a transfer fee for all programs.
c) A $500 transfer fee will be incurred for attendance for transfers for any of our Advanced Programs, including but not limited to NLP Master Practitioner Certification, NLP Trainer’s Training, Million Dollar Speaker Success System, Quit Cigarettes in 60minutes, Reach Your Ideal Weight, I Evolve, EGYPT and GREECE.
d) Transfers for EGYPT and GREECE tours are only valid for the original tour in the original year that the contract was agreed upon. Transfer requests for future dated tours other than what has been originally agreed upon in the contract are not permitted and will not be entered into.
NB: A $47 transfer fee will be incurred for attendance transfers for our NLP Scholarship Program.
7. Complimentary tickets to any events, including those issued as bonuses when purchasing a main event, may not be transferred.
8. QC Seminars may cancel the training or supply of product for any reason by written notice to you. We will also refund you the amount you have actually paid to us within 10 days of giving you notice of cancellation. QC Seminars will then have no further liability to you in respect of the cancellation.
9. You acknowledge that you shall not be entitled, and shall not claim a refund other than by strict compliance with clauses 5 and 8 and the QC Seminars Terms and Conditions. You further acknowledge that this is an essential term of this agreement on which QC Seminars rely.